下は、先日、亡くなられたルースが 自分の最期の為に用意されていた言葉です。 どこかの抜粋なのか それとも彼女が書いた詩なのかわかりません。 後に残されたものへの温かいいたわりと 命あるものの自然の摂理、 見事にあらわされています。 ここ数年大切な人との別れが続きましたが 教えていただいたことを時に思い出して 自分への戒めとしたいと 年の瀬に思います。
本日は これから泊り客がありますので ルースの言葉で今年を締めくくりたいと思います。 皆様良いお年をお迎えください。
The voyage of death is a trip we all make
When our life on this earth is complete.
We embark all alone; no luggage we take,
But with faith in the loved one we’ll meet.
As we put out to sea, there is sadness ashore,
For the parting is hard to accept.
And the family and friends we won’t see any more
Share our joys, and in sadness we wept.
But we embark on this one final trip
Implore you remember the fun
We have shared in this life,
And be glad to recall the good things,
Together we’ve done.
With a wave of goodbye, friends exclaim,
“There she goes!”
As they watch the great ship disappear.
But those on the distant shore say,
“Here she comes!”
And replace with a smile, every tear.
So do not despair when a loved one has gone,
Just think of the good times you’ve had;
And believe that her new life
is just at the dawn, and she doesn’t
want you to feel sad.
When our life on this earth is complete.
We embark all alone; no luggage we take,
But with faith in the loved one we’ll meet.
As we put out to sea, there is sadness ashore,
For the parting is hard to accept.
And the family and friends we won’t see any more
Share our joys, and in sadness we wept.
But we embark on this one final trip
Implore you remember the fun
We have shared in this life,
And be glad to recall the good things,
Together we’ve done.
With a wave of goodbye, friends exclaim,
“There she goes!”
As they watch the great ship disappear.
But those on the distant shore say,
“Here she comes!”
And replace with a smile, every tear.
So do not despair when a loved one has gone,
Just think of the good times you’ve had;
And believe that her new life
is just at the dawn, and she doesn’t
want you to feel sad.